Grace Period Patch Release

Grace Period Patch is finally OUT

Hiya holofans and jammers! We present to you a updated, bug reduced version of Shiori's Novella: Forbidden Ink.

Issues fixed this patch:

  • Boss fight wasn't working as intended (Now it functions properly)
  • Softlock in boss room (related to above point, you can actually finish the game now)
  • Faulty damage coliders of player weapon (fixed)
  • I-frames added between damage instances
  • Enemy variety tweaked
  • Visual clarity updated (it should be more obvious now which objects are meant to be jumped on)
  • Background now follows the player as they move
  • Shiori yapbox fixed (now you can actually read the story)
  • Colider under window in tutorial level got tweaked (you can't get stuck there now)
  • Enemy Hulk now deals damage
  • Many sound tweaks
  • Removed attacksliding (sorry speedrunners)
  • Optimized the game by removing excessive static meshes

Thank you for playing our game! We had a lot of fun and we're glad that we got to participate in 5th edition of HoloJam :3 We intend to continue working on Shiori's Novella: Forbidden Ink after the Jam and deliver to you the ultimate satisfying experience we were hoping to achieve. 

Things that we'd like to add in future builds:

  • Ink system - remnant of which you might observe on GUI. Ink was supposed to be a resource belonging to boss that player gets to spend at the beggining of each level. Choice made in terms of how much ink was spent was supposed to influence which enemies spawn on the level. Additionally the lower ink count by the end of the game, the weaker boss would be. We had to unfortunately cut this feature from HoloJam releases due to time restrictions and holidays in our country overlapping with final pushes. Still, being such a pivital part of the game, we'd like to revisit it before next update.
  • Updated sound effects - not all of the sounds made it to the final release, but be assured that next update is going to sound even better than current release.
  • More enemies to fight - alongside the Ink system, new enemies will be added. Due to time restrains we had to cut at least 3 strong monster designs. We'll deffinitely try to add more creatures soon.
  • More levels - original idea was to have tutorial, 3 outside levels, 3 inside levels and a boss room. We had to cut two inside levels due to time restricions but we'd love to add them back in future build.
  • 4k screen support - our current build is built mainly for HD screens and we found that 4K or above screens may scale poorly. We'll work on that in future release.
  • Options menu - yeah,,, it would be cool to be able to adjust some stuff

That's it for now! Thanks for reading all of our patch notes and see ya in future installments~

Skop of Pyshney Productions


Shioris Novella Frobidden Ink.exe 263 MB
Nov 04, 2024

Get Shiori's Novella: Forbidden Ink

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